DMIT Training

We have a certified team of professionals to provide you with requisite knowledge on DMIT, via DMIT Training sessions.

DMIT Training module depends upon the DMIT Plan chosen by you, namely, Starter, Professional, Business, and Corporate. We conduct both Online and Offline training sessions.

Starter and Pro Plans are the basic plans for those who are totally new in this business. In these plans, your part includes - Taking the fingerprints of the client and sending it to the expert for the analysis. Once the report is prepared, you have to do the Counselling.

In these plans, the training part includes :

  • Fingerprints Capturing
  • Analyzing the Report
  • Counseling

Business Plan is for those who want to work independently. While the Corporate Plan is for those who want to establish a brand and expand its network. In these plans, your part includes - Taking the fingerprints of the client, Analyzing the Fingerprint Patterns, Finding the Ridges Count, Determining the Exceptions, Generating Report, Analyzing, and Counselling the Report. Apart from this, in the Corporate plan, you must know how to further distribute the software/franchise,i.e., Business Management.

In these plans, the training part includes :

  • Fingerprints Capturing
  • Analyzing Fingerprints
  • Determining Fingerprint Patterns
  • Calculating Ridges Count
  • Operating Report Generation Software
  • Generating the Report
  • Analyzing the Report
  • Counseling

In addition, for Corporate Plan :

  • Business Management
  • Franchise Management

We offer both Online and Offline Training. You can choose according to your convenience.

Benifits of Online Training as compared to Offline Training.

Choose Date & Time according to your convenience, whenever you are free.

Immediately available, no need to wait for a new batch.

Cost-Effective as you save travel, accommodation, and other traveling expenses

Save Time & Money

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