DMIT Test for Corporate Employees

D.M.I Test for Corporate Employees will help your organization optimizing the complete spectrum of human resources processes, from choosing the best candidate to fill up a position towards identifying gaps & focusing training attempts on areas that require development.

Dmit Test for Corporate Employees could also be used to measure the effectiveness of education, learning, and workshops by using a pre & post-test of each employee.

Dmit test for employees

Benefits of DMIT Test for Corporate Employees

  • Pre-employment screening.
  • Find the exact right person for your right job.
  • Discover employees’ capabilities, maximizing efficiency & effectiveness.
  • Evaluate your current manager’s performances & core competencies.
  • HR training & development based on Employee Abilities.
  • Know your employee Leadership Style and qualities.
  • Know the internal abilities of your employees.
  • Reduce operating costs & maximize corporate value.
  • Know your employee Personal Quotients IQ-EQ-AQ-CQ-SQ.
  • Know your employee's planning and delivery style.
  • Develop an all-star employee.
  • Reorganize the employed pool for high productivity.
  • Entrust your staff member who has got the most potential.
  • Improve human resources & customer management more efficiently.

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